Childcare and educational resources
Need childcare right now?
Find spots in daycares, early learning and after school programs today with the Allegheny Child Care Tool.
Jeremiah’s Place offers emergency childcare free to families with limited income. 412-924-0726
Early Intervention Services
Alliance for Infants and Toddlers (0-3 years, County wide)
Allegheny Intermediate Unit, Preschool Early Intervention (3-5 years, excludes City of Pittsburgh)
Pittsburgh Board of Education, Early Intervention Office (3-5 years, City of Pittsburgh)
Out-of-School/After School Programs for Children and Youth
Out-of-School/After School programs provide a safe place for children, youth and/or young adults after their school day ends or during the summer. View the provider list here.
Educational Resources for Families
DHS works with families and community partners to improve the educational outcomes for children who receive human services. Find resources available to you here.
Making sure that your child enrolls and attends school is important for your child’s education and their future. This fact sheet will help you enroll your child in school as soon as possible.
Find childcare based on your income.
- meet income guidelines for your family size
- live in Pennsylvania
- have a child or children who need child care while you work or go to school
- work 20 or more hours a week or work 10 hours and go to school or train for 10 hours a week
- have job offer and you’ll start within 30 days of your application
- are a teen parents who must attend an education program
- have a child who is a U.S. citizen or they are lawfully admitted for permanent residency
- have proof of identification for each parent or caregiver in your home
Then Child Care Works might be for you.
Find a COMPASS Community Partner to assist you.
- meet 100% of household federal poverty guidelines
- are experiencing homelessness or receive public assistance like TANF or SSI
Then Early Head Start might be for you.
Scroll to the bottom of this page to find your local Early Head Start by zip code. There may be other local requirements for enrolling your child.
Call 866-763-6481 Monday to Friday 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. to speak to someone.
- meet 100% of household federal poverty guidelines
- are looking for school-day or school-year program
Then Head Start might be for you.
Scroll to the bottom of this page to find your local Head Start by zip code. There may be other local requirements for enrolling your child.
Call 866-763-6481 Monday to Friday 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. to speak to someone.
- meet 300% of household federal poverty guidelines
- are looking for school-day or school-year program
Then Pre-K Counts might be for you.
Call 888-340-3572 to speak to a live person at the ELRC Monday through Friday from 8 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Immigrants & Internationals
Alliance for Refugee Youth Support and Education (ARYSE)
An organization working to provide leadership, academic, and creative expression opportunities to refugee and immigrant youth. Programs include:
- PRYSE Academy summer camp for refugee and immigrant youth
- After School Club
- Future Planning Workshops
- Girl’s Art and Maker Group
- The Youth Steering Committee
- Queer Youth Space
To refer a student, contact Jeff Zeng via email
Casa San Jose
Two after-school programs designed to serve Latino youth:
- Jóvenes con Propósito for grades 9-12
- Puentes Hacia el Futuro Saturday youth program, for children ages 6-13 years old
Call 412-343-3111 or send an email
Other helpful resources
Have a question or concern about services?
DHS Director's Action Line specialists are available Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM.
- Call 1-800-862-6783
- Text "Action" to 412-324-3388
- Send an Email