More Resources

Take the bus, the T or Mon Incline at discounted rates if you’re 65+, under age 11 or have a disability diagnosis.

Learn how to apply.

Discounted PRT Fares

If you qualify for SNAP, you also qualify to receive 50% off transit fares with PRT. Apply here.

If you or someone you care about has a disability diagnosis:

  • ACCESS is a shared-ride transportation program that can take you anywhere in Allegheny County. Participating residents are eligible for discounts through ACCESS 65 ADA. Call the ACCESS program office at 412-562-5353 or TTY 711 to request an application. Find out if you’re eligible.
  • You may qualify for discounted fares on public transit. Find out more.

Live in the Mon Valley?

Get discounted transportation.

McKeesport, Port Vue, East Pittsburgh, Turtle Creek or Clairton residents can catch a van or Port Authority bus at a free or reduced fare.

Check fares and schedules.

Some supports are only available to specific individuals. If you’re a young or older adult, a veteran, an immigrant or identify as LGBTQIA+, look for these lightbulbs throughout the site.



Older Adults

Share rides to get anywhere in Allegheny County with ACCESS 65 Plus. Older adults are eligible for discounts through the ACCESS 65 Plus Program.

Call 412-562-5353 or TTY 711 to find a registration center near you.

Free PAT Bus, Mon Incline, and T Rides

Seniors ride free on Port Authority busses, T-rides and the Mon Incline.
Learn more and apply for Port Authority discounted fares.

Older Persons Transportation (OPT)

Transportation for older adults seven days a week from 6 a.m. until midnight. Adults 65 and older can get two round trips that includes pick-up, drop-off, and assistance onto and off vehicles. Call 412-562-5385 to learn more.

Apply for any of these by calling or stopping by a Senior Center near you.